Mental Health Skill Building Services
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible persons must demonstrate a clinical necessity for the service arising from a condition due to mental, behavioral, or emotional illness, which results in significant functional impairments with major life activities.
Individuals age 21 and over must meet all the following criteria to be eligible to receive mental health skill-building services basis:
Have one of the following Axis I diagnosis:
Schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder
Major Depressive Disorder – Recurrent
Bipolar I or Bipolar II
Any other Axis I mental health disorder that a physician has documented specific to the identified individual within the past year
Require individualized training in acquiring basic living skills such a symptom management; adherence to psychiatric and medication treatment plans; development and appropriate use of social skills and personal support system; personal hygiene, food preparation; or money management.
Have a prior history of any of the following:
Psychiatric hospitalization
Residential or non-residential crisis stabilization
Program of Assertive Community Treatment services
Placement in a psychiatric residential treatment facility (RTC Level C)
Temporary Detention Order
Have had a prescription for anti-psychotic, mood stabilizing, or antidepressant medications within the 12 months prior to the assessment date.
Individuals younger than 21 years or age must meet all the above criteria and be in an independent living situation or transitioning into an independent living situation within six months.
CCS, Inc. engages in providing goal directed mental health skill-building training to enable individuals to achieve and maintain community stability and independence in the most appropriate, least restrictive environment. Training services are provided in the following core areas:
Functional skills and appropriate behavioral training related to the individual’s health and safety
Activities of daily living which may include instruction in personal hygiene, clothing care, grocery shopping and meal preparation, housekeeping and coordination of work related issues to ensure continued employment
Assistance with medication management which includes instruction in strategies to reduce the occurrence of missed doses, being an advocate for one’s self with care providers, and keeping record of dose changes and side effects experienced.
Monitoring health, nutrition, and physical condition.
Services Offered
Accepting Medicaid Fee-for-Service plans from all VA Medicaid Managed Care Organizations including Molina Health Care, Aetna Better Health of VA, Anthem Healthkeepers Plus, Sentara Health, Optima Health, and United Healthcare.